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Trump VS Biden: Who wears nappies best?

Beryl Crump World News

2024 will go down in history as the first democratic election where both candidates will wear nappies. But what else will matter to the great American people? Let’s find out…


Trump: Still walks with an aloof gait but does suffer from fat back, which Americans relate to.

Biden: has the walk of a man who has worked a 16 hour shift down a mine but trying not to show it. Or of an 81 year old.


Trump: still spewing out absolute bullshit, but with very clear diction.

Biden: Another term and he’ll be the first President to dribble.


Trump: Only he knows where his hair starts and ends. Should get a Nobel prize for dedicating a life to hiding a bald patch.

Biden: Not wasting effort like Trump, he just got a hair transplant. And like all hair transplants, we can all tell it’s a hair transplant.


Trump: For a man who has been rich his whole life, he looks like he’s a slave to a bargain bucket. Ruined Covid’s fear factor by surviving it.

Biden: Good old fashioned exercising old man you’d see in the park with pale legs and pants way too high, a solid working ticker.


Trump: Messy pisser, big shitter. Would wear a nappy (diaper) out of laziness.

Biden: Could shit himself at any time.

This is going to be one hell of an election, yee haaa!