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Even Jehovahs think Russel Brand has gone weird

Beryl Crump Culture

Jehovah witnesses have issued a statement saying how even they think Russel Brand has gone weird.

The popular door knocking religion has had plenty of criticism for their unique ways over the years. But, now they keen to let people know that even they think Russel Brand’s flirtation with Christianity is not quite right.

The statement read, ‘As Jehovahs we value anybody entering the heavenly road to faith. And even though we believe things like exactly 144,000 people get into heaven, it’s wrong to give blood, and our own children are dead to us if they were to give up our religion… we still think Russel Brand is acting a bit weird.’

Russel Brand has responded like the majority of practicing Christians, praying and then trying to sell WiFi radiation necklaces online.