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Teen vanishes in own vape smoke

Beryl Crump Local News

An 18 year old vaping with his friends has completely disappeared into the huge vape smoke he produced, we can reveal.

College friends of Daniel Gangum told us how he simply vanished merely inches away from them. A friend said, ‘It was like David Blaine or something.’

‘We like to sit in a vapour cloud so nobody can see in and nobody can see out. But when the vapour cleared, he was gone. We called his name for ages, we looked everywhere. We asked other students if they’d seen him but they said they’d never seen any of us before because nobody sees into the cloud.’

Detective Brian Gac told us, ‘We have heard of similarities to this case where a young boy vaporised himself to the Great Wall of China. Another was a young girl who walked through the vapour and came out on an episode of Stars in their Eyes. We will follow all leads.’

It is unclear if Matthew Kelly has been helping Police with enquiries.